Dual beam FEG-SEM/FIB FEI (Thermo Fisher) Versa 3D
Versatility for demanding 3D characterization, prototyping and in situ research needs
DualBeam functionality to examine surface and sub-surface areas of any sample (sample modifi- cation at the nm and um scale)
. Combination of high current FIB cutting/deposition and low voltage FIB cleaning to quickly cut/ deposit materials and produce the highest quality, low damage sample surfaces
. High quality TEM and atom probe sample preparation with low voltage cleaning for atomic level study by TEM/atom probe
. Full complement of software to perform advanced tasks like 3D volume slicing for characterization, sample preparation and prototyping from CAD or image files
. Flexibility of electron beam vacuum configuration for examining conductive samples in high vacuum- only or conductive and non-conductive samples in high and low vacuum configured system
. Auto Slice and View G3* enables 3D characterization of a wide range of materials types with a suite of detectors* to obtain information from every angle
** BEAM **
Electron optics
– High-resolution field emission SEM column optimized for high-brightness/ high-current
– Schottky thermal field emitter
– 60 degree objective lens geometry with through-the-lens differential pumping
– Heated objective apertures to extend aperture lifetime
– Accelerating voltage: 200 V – 30 kV
– Beam deceleration stage bias* from -50 V to -4 kV
– Landing voltage range: Standard: 200 V to 30 kV, Beam Deceleration* 50 V – 30 kV
– Probe current: up to 200 nA -continuously adjustable
– Magnification 30 x – 1280 kx in “quad” mode
Ion beam resolution
– 7 nm at 30 kV at beam coincident point (5 nm achievable at optimal working distance)
High Throughput ion column optics
– High-current ion column with Ga liquid-metal ion source for use in high vacuum
– Acceleration voltage: 0.5 – 30 kV
– Probe current: 1.5 pA – 65 nA in 15 steps
– Superior high current performance, with – up to 60 A/cm2 beam current density – up to 65 nA max beam current
– Landing voltage range I-beam: 500 V – 30 kV
– Lowest voltage (500 V) for ultimate sample preparation quality
– Beam blanker standard, external control possible
– 15-position aperture strip
– Magnification 40 x – 1280 kx in “quad” mode at 10 kV
– Charge neutralization mode for milling of non-conductive samples
GIS Gas injection system (Pt)
7 nm at 30 kV at beam coincident point (5 nm achievable at optimal working distance)
BSE (Backscattered Electron Detector)
SE2 Detector (Secondary Electron Detector)
STEM detector
** STAGE **
Standard 5-axes motorized stage
STEM detector plus specimen holders
EBSD EDAX Hikari XP plus software for acquisition (EDAX Teams) and data processing (OIM Analysis 7 and 8)
EDX EDAX Octane Plus 30 mm² plus software for acquisition (EDAX Genesis) and processing (TSL Delphi 3 and eDPP Shell)
Micromanipulator Oxford Omniprobe 100
** OTHER **
Active vibration isolation control unit (Table Stable)
Water chiller
UPS – Power supply unit
Continuous service contract with Thermo Fisher Scientific