** BEAMS **
Electron source Schottky thermal field emitter
Ion source Gallium liquid metal
Beam voltage
SEM 200 V – 30 kV
FIB 500V – 30 kV
Visual resolution@ 1kV : 2.5nm
Visual resolution@ 15kV : 1 nm
Image resolution < 0.8 nm achievable in SEM-STEM mode
ETD (chamber)
CDEM (chamber)
TLD (In-lens)
** STAGE **
X and Y repeatability at 0° tilt 150 degrees (excluding tilt of main
DualBeam stage)
External load base for loading/unloading grids from row
In-situ section extraction system
SEM-STEM detector Multi-region: bright field, dark field, 12 high-angle dark
field segments
User interface Windows 2000® GUI with integrated SEM, FIB, GIS,
imaging and patterning
Simultaneous patterning and imaging mode