Showing 1–12 of 46 results

  • SEM Upgrades

    Activity monitor

    Activity monitor
    * For detailed information and preventive maintenance
    * Automatic acquisition and complression of microscope operation parameters
    * 16x 16-bit analog signal inputs, and software API for loggin events
    * Live and offline viewer with PDF exoport
    * USB 2.0 controlled and integrated with the new microscope control software

  • Spare parts

    Brooks Front end

    Manufacturer: Brooks Automation Software Corp.
    Product condition: Foiled or Crated

    Price: click here for enquiry
  • Spare parts

    CDM preamp

    Manufacturer: FEI
    Product condition: Deinstalled (re-installation possible)

    Price: click here for enquiry
  • Upgrade Options

    Control panels

    Control panels
    * For increased speed and productivity of experienced users
    * SEM panel with magnification, focus, image shift, brighness, contrast, stigmatism, etc.
    * Stage panel with trackball or joystick, XYRZ locks and store/recall functions
    * USB2 controlled and fully integrated wth the microscope control software

  • Upgrade Options

    EA amplifiers / Lock-in EA amplifier

    EA amplifiers are complex multi-stage amplification systems with integrated current & voltage sources for Electrical Analysis. All versions feature a high-speed transimpedance preamplifier for imaging, a bandwidth filter and a flexible second-stage amplifier for imaging. High-precision voltage and current sources are integrated into the compact housing, as required for biasing, IV sweeps and compensation. Packaging is miniaturised in order to reduce cable lengths, increase speed and optimise signal-to-noise ratio.

    Standard features
    * High-speed and low-noise ex-situ preamplifier with adjustable gain
    * Automatic routing, to ground, bias or beam current meter
    * Lowpass filter to match amplification with imaging speed
    * Second-stage amplifier for fine image adjustments
    * Voltage source for device biasing
    * Current source to compensate for forward or reverse signals
    * Auto-zero function for calibration

    Optional features
    * In-situ preamplifier for low impedance samples (with the Premium EA sample holder)
    * Automatic current – voltage sweeps for device characterisation

    The amplifer is part of the EA for SEM system and is designed for a wide range of Electrical Analysis techniques.

    1. EA amplifier
    * ex-situ preamplifier for junctions and Schottky barriers
    * fully calibrated electronics for quantitative technique

    2. Lock-in EA amplifier
    * integrated clock generator for beam blanker
    * ex-situ preamplifier for junctions and Schottky barriers
    * analog lock-in amplification with de-modulation

    * USB2 hardware interface
    * device driver for Microsoft Windows
    * independent control library
    * integrated DISS control panel

    * HIGH input for sample signal
    * LOW input for sample gound
    * DC input power (back panel)
    * GND input (case)

    * Amplified output for imaging (back panel)
    * LOW output for bias voltage
    * BC output for external beam current measurement
    * EBAC output for in-situ electronics

    Ex-situ preamplifier
    * 20,000 Ohm minimum sample resistance
    * 10^3 … 10^10 V/A configurable gain
    * 8 µs minimum pixed dwell time, depending on sample impedance
    * 12-bit ADC for live signal inspection

    In-situ preamplifier (optional)
    * 1,000 Ohm minimum recommended sample resistance
    * 10ˆ7 V/A fixed transimpedanced gain
    * 16 µs minimum pixed dwell time, depending on sample impedance

    Second-stage amplifier
    * -1 … 1 µA, 16-bit input offset (brightness)
    * 0.1 … 100x, 16-bit gain (contrast)
    * 0.5 MHz at 10^9 V/A bandwidth
    * 8-levels low-pass filter
    * manual signal inversion

    Integrated sources
    * -10 … 10 V, 16-bit voltage bias
    * -10 … 10 µA, 16-bit current compensation
    * 100 pA internal source for calibration

  • Upgrade Options

    EDS detector

    EDS detector
    * QUANTAX Compact system by Bruker, containing XFlash® 730M silicon drift detector (SDD), an electronic module, and ESPRIT Compact software
    * Allows line scanning and spectral element mapping
    * Qualitative and quantitative material analyses
    * Fast analysis and reporting

  • Spare parts

    EDWARDS XDS10 Scoll pump

    Manufacturer: EDWARDS
    Product condition: Foiled or Crated

    Price: click here for enquiry
  • Spare parts

    Expida STAGE 300mm

    Manufacturer: FEI
    Product condition: Deinstalled (re-installation possible)

    Price: click here for enquiry
  • Spare parts

    Expida transport tool and crates

    Manufacturer: FEI
    Product condition: Foiled or Crated

    Price: click here for enquiry
  • SEM

    FEI Nova nanosem 230

    Manufacturer: FEI
    Product condition: Installed and running (sample job available)
    Vintage: 2009

    Price: click here for enquiry
  • SEM

    FEI Nova nanosem 450 FEG

    Manufacturer: FEI
    Product condition: Installed and powered off (power on possible)
    Vintage: 2012

    Price: click here for enquiry
  • SEM

    FEI Quanta 200 FEG MK1

    Manufacturer: FEI
    Product condition: Deinstalled (re-installation possible)
    Vintage: 2004

    Price: click here for enquiry